- January 23rd, 5:30-7:00 pm
- March 20th, 5:30-7:00 pm
- February 20th, 5:30-7:00 pm​​
- April 17th, 5:30-7:00 pm
- Level 1: March 6th, 5:30-7:30
- Level 2: January 9th, 5:30-7:30 pm
- Level 3: May 1st, 5:30-7:30pm
- February 6th, 5:30-7:00 pm
- April 3rd, 5:30-7:00 pm
Volunteer Opportunities
Youth Volunteer Program
Students 13-17 years old
We have a volunteer application fee of $40. Each year you volunteer, the cost will be discounted by $10.
For students who need school credit hours, we will discount the application fee half off making the price $20. You must present your student ID to get the discounted price.
Session Leader Volunteer
Ages 18+ *must attend a training
Sign up to be a session and program volunteer. You will be responsible for leading our therapy horses during a therapy riding lesson. Must have already attended a general training as well as the session and program volunteer training before signing up for a session.
Sign up for a shift by emailing us or calling our office at (479) 301-2814.
Morning Muck Meditation & Grooms
Ages 18+ *must attend a training
Help maintain the health and wellbeing of our therapy horses by grooming, cleaning stalls, feed & water bowls and keeping our stables fresh and clean for a happy place for our 4 legged friends to live!
Sign up for a shift by emailing us or calling our office at (479) 301-2814.
Evening Muck Meditation & Grooms
Ages 18+ *must attend a training
Help maintain the health and wellbeing of our therapy horses by grooming, cleaning stalls, feed & water bowls and keeping our stables fresh and clean for a happy place for our 4 legged friends to live!
Sign up for a shift by emailing us or calling our office at (479) 301-2814.
Volunteers 18+ Opportunities/Benefits
General Volunteer
$40 general volunteer application fee. Each year you volunteer the cost will be discounted by $10.
Gain community service hours
Gain knowledge about equine management, stable management, fundraising, and office work
Be around and work with horses
Have the opportunity to help with large fundraising events
Receive an EB logo t-shirt
Session & Program Volunteer
​Must attend General Volunteer training.
Gain knowledge on horse leading and side walking in sessions
- Gain knowledge on how equine-assisted activities and therapy sessions run and help clients
- Get hands-on experience with horses, instructors, and clients
- Be a part of large programs at EB
Advanced Volunteer
$50 advanced volunteer application fee. Each year you volunteer the cost will be discounted by $10.
Must attend and pass general and session & program volunteer training and be a session & program volunteer for 3 months.​
Gain elite knowledge about equine care and management
Gain knowledge on stable management
Gain knowledge on equipment management and handling
Gain knowledge on horse handling and tacking
Work personally with staff on equine and stable management
1-day audit with Cory Bourque with Equestrian Bridges quarterly training (4x year)
Receive EB logo hoodie
Enjoy your Journey & Thank you
Welcome to the village of Equestrian Bridges! We NEED you and are VERY excited to see you at the stables soon!
For more volunteer opportunities or for groups please email volunteer@equestrianbridges.org